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​Students are given achievement awards each month in various academic and extra-curricular areas. In addition to the monthly achievement awards year end academic and extra-curricular awards are also given.

Achievement Awards

Art award: Art teacher to nominate a student who has produced the best work. 

Most Improved:



Students are given achievement awards each month in various academic and extra-curricular areas. In addition to the monthly achievement awards year-end academic and extra-curricular awards are also presented. 

Achievement Awards: 

These awards are given each month, listed in the newsletter, to motivate students to perform to the best of their potential. Subject teachers must list one student per section per class for an award in their subject.


In addition to the achievement awards, term ending and year end awards are given to the students in the areas listed below


English Award: Highest percentage gained in English for the first second and final term including the final exam marks in case of a tie English teachers to use his or her discretion keeping in mind other words won by the student.


Math Award:

Highest percentage gained for maths for the first second and final term including the final exam marks in case of a tie maths teacher to use his or her discretion keeping in mind other awards won by the student.


Bangla Award:

Highest percentage gained for bangla for the first second and final term including the final exam marks in case of a tie bangla teacher to use his or her discretion keeping in mind other awards on by the student.


100% attendance awards: 

Art award: Art teacher to nominate a student who has produced the best work.

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